Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Salt Lake Family History Expo

I have to tell you that I love a Genealogy conference and the Family History Expo is one of my favorites. If you are planning to attend, let me know! The following is the official press release.

July 23, 2009
‘Not Your Grandma’s Genealogy’
Salt Lake Family History Expo Teaches ‘Tech to Trace Your Roots’

This is not your grandma’s genealogy. Family History Founder and President Holly T. Hansen says new techniques and technology have turned family history research into a happening industry that attracts fans from nearly every walk of life.

“You just can’t believe what’s happening out there,” Hansen said. “New developments, especially those associated with the Internet, are connecting people all over the world and bringing families together faster than we would have ever imagined.”

Family historians (and those even mildly interested in researching their roots) can learn all about the latest techniques and technology at the Salt Lake City, Utah Family History Expo, Aug. 28 and 29.

The Salt Lake City, Utah Family History Expo will be held at the South Towne Expo Center, 9575 South State Street, Sandy, Utah 84070. Free parking is available at the event venue. The expo will take place Aug. 28 and 29, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. At the door registration begins at 7 a.m. on Friday and 7:30 a.m. on Saturday.

The exhibit hall is open to the public, as is the event’s keynote address. Don R. Anderson, senior vice president of services for FamilySearch will speak.

Paid registrants can sign up for two days chalk-full of classes on research techniques and new technology. FamilySearch is in the process of releasing an updated version. Classes offered will include instruction on using the newest version. Register for classes online at

Other classes offered will include (but are not limited to) “Facebook for Family History,” “Google, a Gold Mine of Genealogy Gems,” “The Chicken Walked Here: Principles & Procedures for Learning to Read Germanic & Scandinavian Gothic Script,” and more.

The expo will also feature Family History’s newest addition to the events it holds throughout the Western United States called the Twitter Café and Blogger Bistro. Here participants can learn fun and exciting ways to get connected and stay connected with family members and friends. Hansen said social Internet networking is becoming more and more popular among researchers.

Register online today at


Our Family said...

Thanks for posting the information about the Salt Lake Family History Expo. I wish I lived closer to SLC but I am happy to live near the beach.

Gena Philibert-Ortega said...

I would be happy to live by the beach too!;)