
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Church Record Sunday: Internet Archive Genealogy Collection

One of my favorite digitized book websites is Internet Archive. I use their Cookbooks and Home Economics collection for ideas for my other blog,  Food. Family.Ephemera . They also have other great books for genealogy research including a collection called Genealogy.

Now, this isn't the only place you can find family history related resources but for today's Church Record Sunday let's look at just the Genealogy collection.

Here's how you get to that collection. First go to the Internet Archive website. Choose Texts, found on the right hand side of the page

Then click on Additional Collections

Then scroll down and click on Genealogy

Once inside the collection you can browse through titles that have been digitized.
Internet Archive's Texts collection are public domain books so you may download or copy what you need. Some examples of church related sources include histories and parish records.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for showing us exactly how to get to the Internet Archives site on Genealogy. I notice with interest that they mention Allen County Public Library, which is where I just archived my parents' WWII letters several months ago. Digitizing and making all archives available is one big PLUS for this age in which we are so worried about our privacy. We are freeing archives by digitizing them. Let the archives speak!
