Saturday, March 05, 2022

Women's History Month 2022: How to Do Everything Genealogy

In this first week of Women's History Month, we are looking at genealogy methodology books for your reference library. 

Title: How to Do Everything Genealogy (Fourth Edition)

Author: George G. Morgan

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Synopsis: According to George and Drew's website, Aha Seminars, "The book addresses genealogical research in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., and Australia, and covers scores of record types. It is generously illustrated with photographs, digitized documents, and webpage images. Hundreds of web addresses are included as references for your personal research and the newest technologies are addressed, including genetic genealogy (DNA testing) and social networking. Learn the methodologies for conducting the most effective research and how to evaluate the evidence you find."

Why You Need This Book: If you buy one how-to book, let this be the one. I've been a fan of this book for years and actually have 2 or 3 editions of it. Why? It's a great book that starts from the beginning and goes through advanced strategies to expand your research. It goes into several types of records so if you haven't researched those records before, you can learn more about how to utilize them. No, this isn't a book focusing on female ancestors but in order to research women, you have to know overall genealogy methodology. 

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