
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Women's History Month 2023: Her Work Tools

I was listening to a webinar today that discussed how women made and sold quilts in the early 20th century to make money. We always assume that the quilt grandma had was made by her but she actually may have purchased it from a woman who worked by selling quilts. 

That webinar got me thinking of all the "tools" she would have had to complete her work. Professional quilters used fabric, needles, thread, batting, quilt frame, sewing machine, patterns, and scissors. 

Image by Jan Steiner for Pixabay

Even if you didn't inherit these items you can still discuss the tools she would have used for her work. Images of those tools or images of women conducting that type of work can be found online.

What did your female ancestor do for work? What were the tools she used? You can write a narrative about her work by explaining the tools, what they were used for, and what they looked like. This helps provide context and a better understanding of her life.

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