I noticed that the NARA has a new form for requesting military records. Standard From 180 is used for requesting military records for those who served in the military from about the late 1800's to present. You can order earlier military records online through NARA.
The new form, click on the above title for the link, looks like it includes more options for what kind of military records you want including: DD214, all documents in the official military personnel file, medical records, and/or other.
It also provides a space with reasons why you may want the information, including medical, medals, employment, benefits, VA loan program, correction, personal, genealogy or other.
The 3 page document, only 1 page needs to be filled out, explains who can request records. It also states that if you are not the veteran, you must provide proof of death which can be a death certificate, funeral home record or obituary.
Now is a good time to look at your genealogy database and see what ancestors you may need to request records for.
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